Wednesday, October 15, 2008

8 months old

Well our little girl is now 8 months old.  I cannot believe it...Today we got her pics done in her Halloween costume...She is a little you think she will like these pics when she is older?  I don't care...How long do I get to pick out her clothes for her?  From what I here about girls-not for long...So for now I will deck her out in bows, dresses, fairy wings, and tulle and she will love it.....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Our little Pumpkins

We kicked off fall with a visit to Irvine Parks pumpkin patch...The kids were pretty cooperative for the pics...aren't they cute.
She almost blends into the pumpkins...

We wanted to get some more fall pics, but Mammoth had other ideas and it started to snow a we bought a pumpkin and made our own fall in the snow...

We enjoyed our annual Tustin Tiller days parade...The kids love to sit on the curb and watch all of the fun things go by...The tops are the bands and the tractors...

You cannot go to the parade and not go to the carnival..We met up with the cousins there and Nicholas had a ball on the rides....
We also saw some friends and that was fun, because daddy didn't have to go on the kiddie rides this year.
Matty turned one and it just made us realize how fast time flies...These kids have been together since their older siblings were born 4+ years ago....Look at this cute group..I hope they don't have anymore birthdays anytime soon.....

We visited the Santa Ana zoo with Hunter and they had a ball..Nicholas thinks he runs the place he has been there so much.
We got the chance to go out and see Chris's grandma who is now 92.  The kids enjoyed seeing her and she just loved to finally meet Emily.  
We celebrated Chris's 37th birthday at dinner with his brother, dad and nephews.  Doesn't look a day over 30 does he..

NIcholas's class made some apple pies and I got the pleasure of helping.. They were so cute and Nicholas got to be my little helper when we took them to cook in the oven...What letter are they working on???? HMMM   could it be A for apple.